At a cold gas station a backpacking
young woman walks up to a familiar character actor and asks if she
can get a ride with him. He demurs, and starts to drive away, then
stops and invites her in. So which of the two of them is the killer?
Probably him, right?
He offers to take her as far as he can
- which is the motel up the street where he and his wife are staying.
It has a bus stop out front! She immediately agrees to this, which is
a little suspicious, since that's not much of a ride.
During the ride, the man asks questions
designed to reveal whether the young woman has anyone waiting for
her, or if anyone knows where she is. It's a no in both cases, just
FYI. They get to the motel and the man gives her some cash to take
the bus, but then his wife comes out and invites the woman inside,
saying there's about to be a storm, and she'll freeze out in the cold
waiting for a bus!
So, is the wife the one who's more
psyched about killing in this pair? Because the husband wasn't trying
very hard to get this lady into their motel room. The show cuts away
before we see what happens.

The women were strangled, stripped but
not raped, then wrapped in shower curtains. Joe intuits 'a lot of
rage', although the women weren't tortured in any way other than the
strangling that killed them, so I don't know what Joe is basing that
on. The team wonders why no sexual assault, since the vast majority
of serial killers are rapists, so they guess maybe the killer is
impotent. But they can't figure why the killer would cover the
bodies, which is usually a sign of remorse.
We've got a pretty good idea about that
already, since we saw that the wife was a little more into killing
than the husband, but to be fair, we have access to more information
than they do.
Also, the two bodies were dropped in
the past two days, so yes, they're already spree killing.
Then we see the couple with a marriage
counselor, who interrogates them about their homework to put the
spark back in their marriage. Have they been working on that? We see
a flashback to the murder, and it's revealed that the reason the
women aren't being raped is that the sexual component of the crime is
that the couple has sex after the husband strangles the women to
Thanks for that, show.
On the plane, they wonder why the killer dumped the bodies on the interstate. Could he be a long-haul trucker? If he was, would he have killed two women in the same city in two days? They find out that the victim was last seen at a gas station, looking for a ride - which is pretty impressive, since one scene ago they didn't even know who she was. That suggests that the news showed extensive pictures of the corpse's face, the gas station attendant saw it, and then called the police, and the information got to them - all within an hour or two. Seems like a bit of a stretch.
We then get a flyby establishing shot
of Pittsburgh, which makes me sad for two reasons.
1: They didn't bother springing for a
'winter' shot of the city, so despite the fact that there was snow
all over the previous scenes, we're now looking at leafy trees and
verdant lawns.
2: Seeing that river makes me wish I
was watching Jack Reacher instead. Is it weird that I've seen Jack
Reacher so many times that I immediately recognized that river in the
Greg and Jeanne get to the police
station, where they look over the pictures of unknown victims 1 and
2. Jeanne laments that they were just looking for a ride, and had no
idea they were about to be killed. Except you don't know that - you
think that's the case with one of the victims (although it's a
stretch to believe you have that information), but you have no idea
how the previous victim met her killers. And I don't want to profile
based on clothes, but given her lime green leopard-print bra-
Don't you think there's the slightest
possibility that she was a sex worker? Just maybe?
Also, there's no way they don't have
the killer on camera, just saying. We're told that security cameras
saw her at a gas station, but didn't see who she left with. Which is
impossible. She approached the killer at the pumps, and he let her
into the car at the pumps.
Gas stations will generally have
cameras aimed at and around the pumps, so they can identify anyone
who tries to drive away without paying. If they're
pay-before-you-pump, then they might not have the cameras, but the
killer either used a credit card at the pump, in which case they've
got a list of suspects that's not very long, or he walked into the
gas station to pay, in which case they've got his face on camera.
Long story short, because of the gas station scene, there's no way
they don't have film of this guy.
Also, Greg stupidly asks the local cop
to check if there are other killings with this MO, since this may not
be the killer's first victim. Yeah, Greg, that's your job. Matching
crimes to killers by MO is the entire point of VICAP, which is your
guys program, and the reason you even have this job. It's the only
actual practical tool the FBI has in the fight against serial
killers. Why are you asking the local guy to look into it?
JJ and Reid go to the motel where the
killing took place, and the parking lot is a beautiful example of a
set dresser trying to make it look as wintery as they can with as
little shaved ice as possible.
Also, please note that the extras are
decked out in parkas and scarves while JJ and Reid can't even be
bothered to pretend for a second that it's cold.
The desk clerk in the hotel explains
that they have no cameras, and are cash only because it's a sex-work
focused establishment, then Reid asks to see the room missing the
shower curtain! We're not told how many motels they tried this in
before, but this time it works!
They find a used condom in the toilet -
the killers are bad at getting rid of evidence, it seems, and it will
probably be easy to find their fingerprints all over the place.
Knowing that sex was had but the victim wasn't raped, the immediately
recognize they're looking for a team! We don't hear the clerk's
response when he's asked who rented that room. Actually, we're given
no reason to suspect they ever even asked the question.
In the morgue, Derek and Joe already
know about the sex in the room somehow - I guess they're texting each
other constantly and we just never see it? Derek figures it can't be
two men, because sexual sadists would leave the women naked to
humiliate them. Except you have no reason to believe that they're
sexual sadists, since they don't rape or torture the women, just kill
them super-efficiently and then have sex. Still, this puts them onto
the track of thinking that it's a man and a woman who like killing as
foreplay, although it's a stretch to assume that based on anything
other than statistical probability.
At the next counseling session, which
is happening after dark, BTW, the husband taunts the counselor about
her own marriage breaking up, because there's no way in which he
isn't a terrible person. She advises them to try to be romantic, so
they have a dance night at home! The wife wants to pick the victim
and use her own ruse to capture her tonight, and the husband agrees
to go along with it, because he's trying to make the marriage work!
The detective comes into the work room
with some information - ten more murders, with only four identified
victims! They started in 1994, and stopped in 2010 - which we have to
assume is when they separated, which the counselor mentioned. But why
the dormancy? How would they get back together after such a long
period of not killing? Reid thinks they might be married, which would
keep the connection going, even if they were separated. More
importantly, why have they gone from ten murders in sixteen years to
one murder every night?
We then catch up with the couple in
another shady motel. The wife brings home a male sex worker who she's
hired to service them! They dispatch him to the shower, as is their
MO, then dispatch him permanently when he comes back out!
After the commercials it's off to the
dump site, which is perfectly situated to show both a pile of snow
and a leafy tree in the same shot!
Seriously, why not just set this
episode in Atlanta, and start doing northern murders again in April?
They assume that the wife picked the
new victim, since he's a different gender than the previous ones -
could that cause problems in the relationship? The other partner
taking charge for the first time?
At the next therapy session, they talk
about the value of compromise, and the husband agrees to work on
that! Can they really make this relationship viable again?
Then, during the profile, Reid wins the
Prentiss Award of the night-
VID 21:10
Yeah, they did not kill 19 people. Now,
if you're talking about the total number of victims of both the
Scarborough rapist and them serial killing as a time, it would be
higher than that, but if you're just talking about the murders, it
was probably closer to six.
Fun fact! A guy spent eight years in
prison for killing his girlfriend, but was finally let out when they
were able to prove that Bernardo had done it! At his first trial
their defense was that the Scarborough Rapist was the killer, but it
wasn't until Bernardo was in jail that they were able to put enough
evidence together about his guilt that they could get the guy a
second trial.
They finish the profile, suggesting
that the husband will be doubly insistent on getting his own way now
- and also they should look for other strangulation murders that
happened during the dormant period, in case he'd kept committing
crimes not as part of a team! Perhaps a change in MO could give them
a clue about his identity?
Over at the couple's house, the husband
gets home late from work - but he's brought jewelry! Then he gets a
text on his phone, and says he has to go out for a half-hour job. But
his wife is worried that they'll miss their movie! Could it be a
secret murdering errand he's going out on?
The team finds some cases where women
were raped, strangled, and stabbed, that they think might be related
to this case, even though they're all over the state. They also talk
about how this must be the husband is keeping busy during the dormant
period. Except all of the cases they mention - except for the murder
five years before the couples killings started - happened while they
were killing as a team.
Jeanne comes up with a surviving victim
from the files! JJ interviews her, and the victim remembers that
there was a tow truck parked next to where she was attacked! The
killer must be a tow-truck driver! And he had a name tag on his work
suit that said Allan!
The cops rush to his house (turns out
there aren't many tow-truck-driving Allans in Pittsburgh) and arrest
the wife!
They talk to the wife for a few
minutes, and get some background - she's had a hysterectomy, so why
the condoms? Turns out the husband got an STD from one of his
independent rape/murders, and that's what caused the split back in
2010 - he's been careful ever since!
Okay, things then get weird, as we see
the husband getting into his truck, presumably having finished the
job he was on. He sees the message his wife was leaving for him when
she was arrested, and realizes that he has to go to ground!
But if he wasn't already aware that the
cops were on to him, how is he not under arrest? They found his
address by checking into his business - meaning they should have been
able to contact whoever sends him out on jobs and figure out exactly
where he was right then - after all, the dispatcher knows where he's
sent, and also where the truck is being towed to. Even if they didn't
do that before rushing to the house, the minute he wasn't there,
wouldn't you get a GPS location on his phone or his truck, or just
ask the dispatcher where he is? If there's time for the wife to have
been brought all the way to the police station, be let stew in a cell
for fifteen minutes, and then have an interrogation session, there's
ample time to have caught him.
This scene would make so much more
sense if it had been placed immediately after the arrest scene and
before the interview scene. Put here it makes the team look like
Jeanne tries to get wife to talk, but
the wife explains that she and her husband have a healthy marriage
now, and she can't be tricked into betraying him. Joe recognizes the
language she uses as being from marriage counseling jargon - could
they currently be in counseling? I'm not sure why this is a surprise
or a revelation - you were assuming they were a married couple who
split up and got back together, relationship therapy is pretty
standard. Also, why do you think it's important that they're seeing a
therapist? Right now you're tracking down a wanted fugitive, not
trying to figure out what's going on in his marriage.
After all, it's not like he's going to
go and try to rape and murder the marriage counselor - after all, he
doesn't know where she lives or have her home phone number, and since
she's one of the few people who can be connected to him, there's no
reason to think the police haven't already contacted her to ask about
him, since even a cursory check of their finances would have revealed
that they've been paying for her sessions. Whether that was by cheque
or credit card, it's easy enough to find. Of course, this is all
moot, since he's not dumb enough to go after her, right?
I'm kidding! Of course he is - they
decide that he must be feeling emasculated, and so he would naturally
lash out at a woman in a position of authority, even though he'd know
that it would be the last thing he'd do before going to jail for the
rest of his life!
Even more absurdly, we then cut to the
doctor arriving at her office well into the nighttime, because she
got a message from the husband about them needing an emergency
marriage counseling session? And she answered that call? What's wrong
with this woman?
Anyway, the team rushes to the
therapist's office to rescue her - which she needs, because after
stabbing the husband in the arm, instead of just running for the
staircase and getting out of the building she tries every door in the
hallway, even though it's nighttime and the long weekend. Idiot.
The team shows up and arrests him
alive. Sad ending.
Then we get a little more with the
wife, who Jeanne offers to get a reduced sentence if she testifies
against her husband - she reveals that he's continued cheating on
her, raping and killing a woman to get the jewelry that he gave her a
few hours earlier! It doesn't work, of course, because the wife is a
creep, too.
Why even offer the reduced sentence?
You know she was a full participant in the crimes, and you don't need
any help charging the husband. Even if you were just lying to her and
had no intention of making a deal, it's a pretty weak bluff. Still,
the wife does slap the husband and throw the necklace in his face. In
case you were wondering, yes, they were letting a serial killer walk
around a police station not wearing handcuffs, because they're all
terrible at their jobs.
Also, when was the husband supposed to
have killed the woman and stolen the necklace? The show's timeline
Night 1: Hitchiker is killed.
Day 2: Team arrives.
Night 2: Male sex worker is killed.
Day 3: Team finds surviving witness.
Night 3: They are arrested.
If he's supposed to have raped and
murdered this woman to get the necklace because he was mad about the
male victim, when did that happen? I can't imagine he had time to get
away after that kill. And it couldn't have been between work and him
coming home to give her the necklace, because there's no way the cops
had the time to find a body, identify who it was, contact next of
kin, find out about the missing necklace, and then confront the wife
with it - especially since his MO is to take away victims' ID so that
it's harder to figure out who they were. Also they say he killed her
'last night' when they're talking to her.
There's literally no point in the story at which this murder could have taken place - especially since he had to go out and buy a presentation box to put the necklace in!
You're terrible, Criminal Minds.
Back in Quantico, Derek and Penelope
each take their respective dates out for a drink at the same diner!
Cute! Apparently this was the Valentine's Day episode?
1 - Was profiling in any way helpful in
solving the crime?
Kind of, although it's pretty
ridiculous. They caught him because he was identified by a victim,
and they should have immediately had him, but then they actually got
there because they figured he's want to rape and murder his
therapist. This is a crazy assumption to make because it goes against
every element of his personality and MO, but they make it anyway, and
they're right! So I'll give them small partial points.
2 - Could the crime have been solved
just as easily using conventional police methods given the known
facts of the case?
One of the victims remembered he was a
tow truck driver named Allan. How was he not arrested six years ago?
Are the Pittsburgh cops just terrible at this?
So, on a scale of 1 (Dirty Harry) to 10
(Tony Hill), How Useful Was Profiling in Solving the Crime?
2/10 - I'd do a Criminal Minds
factcheck here, but since this is the second time the show is doing a
Bernardo/Homolka story it's not really relevant.
That's right, we've reached the point
where Criminal Minds is going back to the well and basing episodes on
serial killers they've already covered! Who's next for a second look?
Leonard Lake and Charles Ng?
This episode sucked because they gave the name of the unsub's in the TITLE of the episode. I mean, really. What show does that? That's like having JK Rowling title the Harry Potter novels "Harry Potter saves ths Sorcerer's stone from Professor Quirrell", or "Harry Potter learns of Sirius Black's innocence."
I was surprised you gave the show more grief for the weather than the gigantic leaps of logic that simply do not hold together.
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