The episode opens in a business park at
lunch, where a huge crowd of people are milling about. Considering
how expensive that is to stage, and the title of the episode, I'm
going to go out on a limb and assume that there's about to be a mass
shooting of some kind. Another sniper? That would be the show's
third, if you don't count mercenaries!
A blonde lady walks over to ask a cute
co-worker to lunch, then is shocked when he gets sniped! The sniping
then begins in earnest, with people running and screaming and, in
some cases, falling to the ground, badly injured or killed. Blonde
lady survives, though, by hiding behind a garbage can! Good for her.
The killer, who's pretending to be a
painter in an under-renovation office across the street, quickly
disassembles his sniper rifle and dumps the pieces into a paint can.
He's also wearing a ski mask, for reasons that elude me.

Seriously, the gloves make sense to me,
because he wants to leave no evidence, but the face mask would be
uncomfortable in the warm September in Dallas weather, making him
sweat and risk leaving more DNA at the crime scene. I could see
wearing a knit cap or something to guard against losing hairs, but
the ski mask is just a terrible choice. It's not like there's a risk
of someone seeing him while he's shooting. He stuck a rifle out a
window and fired for ten seconds, then fled. No one was watching the
rifle barrel.
Over at Quantico, the team rushes out
of the office to respond to the mass shooting, while name-checking a
bunch of real-world terrorist attacks that happened in recent months,
which seems a little distasteful, actually. Greg tries to remind
everyone to keep every possibility on the table, but it's clear that
the rest of the team is going in assuming that it's an act of
'domestic terrorism'. Which is always a weird phrase to me, as if it
makes a huge difference whether a terrorist is from the country
they're attacking. Yes, knowing motivation can help you solve a
crime, but do we really need a separate word for if an American fires
into a crowd of Americans people than if a Libyan does?
Then we get a recap of things we
already know, as footage plays of the crime scene investigation while
news broadcasters question whether it was the act of domestic
terrorism, or the work of a lone madman. As if those things are
mutually exclusive.
Then it's time for the credits, which
seems a little quick, since we're just three minutes into the
episode, but sure, let's get this party started!
The team heads to the local FBI office,
where a female agent is checking the footage in the middle of a
conference room, using a wireless mouse and a TV like fifteen feet
away from her. I know they needed to introduce the character quickly,
but these are not ideal working conditions. They also say that
eyewitness testimony is going to be useless, since no one saw
anything. Which, in a sniper attack sounds pretty accurate.
The local agent in charge runs them
through the five victims, who he's said are all over the map when it
comes to age, race, and gender. Notably, the second victim is an
assistant DA, and if the movie Jack Reacher is correct, he's the
target. The first guy to be shot was sitting on a bench, which would
be the shot the sniper took to make sure that he'd correctly zeroed
his scope, then you'd immediately go to the person you absolutely
need to kill before the whole place becomes bedlam, and after that
person is dead, you'd just start shooting everyone.
So... is Jack Reacher correct about the
M.O. of snipers? Or was the social worker or computer programmer or
loan officer the target?
Perhaps it really was a guy targeting
no one? Although that doesn't make for a satisfying episode. Or, you
know, a crime that's solvable.
Joe's theory? A killer might be trying
to recreate the Kennedy Assassination by shooting random people in a
business park months before the fiftieth anniversary! It's not a
great theory.
Then we cut to the killer, who's
walking down to his van holding a paint can that presumably has his
gun parts in it. Which seems like a stretch - I really thought he'd
just leave the gun there, since any police department worth its salt
walk have all of the buildings the killer could have shot from locked
down and thoroughly searched - which would include stopping anyone
trying to leave the building and checking any container that could
possibly have had a weapon in it. Remember how Lee Harvey Oswald was
able to walk right past cops and out of the book depository? Imagine
how poorly that would have gone if he'd been carrying a violin case.
The killer then looks at a folded over
picture of a black woman. We immediately cut over to her in a parking
lot - she''s approached by Luke Cage, who announces that there's been
a mass shooting, and 'they're closing in', and he drags her away,
leaving both her car and keys in the underground parking lot. So...
is it about a homegrown terrorist group?
JJ and Derek meet the female FBI agent
down at the crime scene, and immediately announce that the killer
probably wasn't a trained sniper, because they only hit 50 percent of
the time at relatively close range, and professionals hit 98% of the
time. Which doesn't sound like a real figure, unless you're talking
about situations where the sniper has a relatively immobile target
and a guy sitting next to them, using a laser to get an exact range
and windspeed. In that case, sure. But firing into a crowd of people
scrambling in random directions, moving left-to-right? While wearing
a ski mask? Maybe a pro would get higher than fifty percent, but I
wouldn't assume a lot higher.
They notice that the
injured-but-still-alive victim was shot while facing the direction
that the sniper was in - so maybe he saw something!
Then another check-in with Luke and the
black lady. She asks if he's sure this mass killing is about them,
and he says if they don't run, they're dead! So they do run, up a
parking lot ramp! Which seems designed to attract as much attention
as possible.
Did Luke Cage just shoot a bunch of
people to convince a lady to run away with him? That seems like a lot
of work if it's what he did.
Jeanne and Reid talk to the blonde lady
and her friend from the beginning! She doesn't have any information
to offer, but her friend does! She saw a white bald guy in one of the
building windows! Except the shooter was two football fields away,
and behind a window which likely would have been reflecting the
daylight. Also the killer was wearing a ski mask, so... no, that's
not a great lead. Although the team doesn't know that yet, of course.
Then Reid gets the bad news - the final
victim died, so won't be of any help!
Penelope calls them up with news about
their theories! She confirms that Joe's was silly, and there's no
connection to the Kennedy Assassination. Then she goes into more
real-life murders - the Fort Hood shooting, the Colorado prison chief
who was gunned down by a white supremacist (who may have been hired
by Middle-Eastern royalty! That's not in the episode, it's just
there's an amazing conspiracy theory around this case that you should
look up if you like that sort of thing). Then she gets to the
fictional tragedy that the show created - a black city councilman was
killed, and a nazi is 'being prosecuted' for the crime, while he's in
jail on unrelated charges.
Yeah, that wasn't clear to me either.
If he's been charged with the murder, even if he's in jail for
something else, he's also in jail awaiting that trial. I don't know
why they would differentiate these two charges. It's not like if he
finishes his sentence for the first thing they'll let him out when
he's awaiting trial for the second.
Wait, a white supremacist killing a guy
and about to go to trial? Wasn't the second victim an assistant DA?
Is that important? And if it is, how long will it take the team to
notice? You'd think instantaneously, given that Garcia just handed
them the Nazi.
Derek, JJ, and the FBI agent find the
sniper's perch, complete with circle cut into the window where he
sniped from. Fun fact: Derek is the worst at evidence collection! He
found that a scaffold had been used to obscure the sniper's nest, and
he grabbed it and pulled it aside with his bare hands!
Despite the fact that its placement
means that it's the only thing in the area that the sniper is
guaranteed to have touched! Fantastic work, Derek. Joe and Greg then
call with an update - the rifle used in the mass shooting is the same
type that killed the councilman, and the ADA who was shot was the one
prosecuting the case!
Score one for Jack Reacher! Or at
least, you know, writers who watched the movie Jack Reacher.
JJ and Derek go to talk to the Nazi,
who claims that he's out of the hate game, and even had his tattoos
removed! Then they provoke him into revealing his racism by having
Derek keep touching JJ and giving her orders! Devious!
Although since all they accomplish is
to make him angry and get no additional information, maybe it wasn't
the best tactic. Unless the goal of the visit was to make a Nazi
uncomfortable, in which case mission accomplished!
The team decides that the ADA couldn't
have been the target, because the Nazi was surprised to hear about
the killing. Because it's impossible that the other Nazis did it on
their own? The guy in jail not knowing every detail about club
attempts to free him seems to be a weird reason to drop the lead.
Also, it would be a coincidence beyond all reason and logic to
suggest that the ADA would randomly get shot at a mass killing using
the same weapon employed in the case he was investigating.
Coincidence, or terrible writing, that
Reid and Jeanne bring news from the
hospital - all of the dead people were killed with perfect vital
shots, suggesting that the sniper was an expert, and missed six times
just to pretend that he wasn't! Um... what? Why would you do that?
Let's say you're a well-trained sniper, and want to shoot a bunch of
people and get away with it. Do you really think that when the police
start asking the military if there were any trained snipers in the
area, the military will respond 'No, it couldn't have been Steve,
Steve wouldn't have missed that many times!' In this example, the
sniper was named Steve.
Of course that wouldn't happen. No
actual investigation will rule out a suspect based on accuracy,
because far too many factors play into that. I believe that the vital
hits could make someone suspect a trained sniper, but I can't imagine
a set of factors that would cause you to rule one out.
If you wanted to pretend you weren't a
good shot, why kill six people? Shoot the first person in the head,
because it's believable that you would have had time to aim that one
(even if it s a 'cold shot'), shoot the second person - presumably
your target - in the heart, and then start firing wildly into the
crowd. Hit a guy in the knee, hit a lady in the shoulder, fire a
couple of rounds into trees! You can't both want to pretend to be a
bad shot by missing half the time and also go out of your way to
execute six other people with utter precision. It's almost like he
only killed the four unnecessary people because the writers wanted
the episode to be about a bloodbath, no matter how little sense that
They also suggest that if the sniper
was super-well trained, he must have been shooting a specific person
in the crowd... but who could it have been? Here's the thing, though
- it still kind of has to be the computer programmer or the ADA. You
can get one free shot in this type of situation before everyone
freaks out. People maybe don't know what they heard, or perhaps think
it's a car or a firecracker - there are innocent explanations. After
that second shot, though, people realize what's happening, and they
freak out. People run, they hide, a crowd of people becomes a frantic
mass of bodies, and your ability to pick your speficic target out of
a crowd goes down to near-zero. I can believe the guy zeroes in on
the lawyer, then sweeps his aim over to a guy on a bench, shoots him,
then sweeps right back to the lawyer, who won't be far from where he
was two seconds earlier. But the third-through-sixths targets? With
the gunman firing off extra bullets between kills? It's just crazy to
imaging that he could keep track of who he meant to kill in that kind
of a mess.
Then it's over to a gas station, where
a woman gets a text message telling her to keep quiet. She then calls
the person and asks if her family's safe - she told the police just
what they wanted her to. Then the killer starts shooting up the
place, and hits her in the neck! It's a bigger conspiracy than we
The team gets to the crime scene, and
notices that the best possible shooting position would be from across
the street in a parking lot, firing out of a trunk. Which isn't
actually accurate - a rolled-down window would be way more reliable -
it looks way less suspicious than a half-popped trunk. I'm assuming
the killer didn't have a special shooting port the way Tim Omundsen
did in that D.C. sniper episode. Which the characters should have
referenced instead of the D.C. sniper, because it's something that
happened to them, rather than something they just read about.
Their conclusion based on the crime
scene? The killer must be an exceptional sniper to have been able to
shoot across a busy street without hitting any of the traffic.
Perhaps even a Perfect Machine of Snipe!
Then it's back to Luke and the lady -
they've arrived at a safe house, which means he's not the sniper,
since they've been together the whole time! He gives her a gun and
keeps one for himself, announcing that a contact of his is coming to
extract them! So I guess Luke is being set up for the murders? But
how, and why? Also, I just noticed that Luke is doing an African
accent, and since he makes reference to 'his line of work', I guess
he's a spy or mercenary, and has reason to believe a sniper would be
after him?
It turns out that she's the target! She
did something, and now powerful people are after her, with Luke
operating as a bodyguard!
Then it's time for the profile, which
is just a crazy thing to do in this case. Here's a precis: "You're
looking for a trained sniper, probably with army experience. We're
hoping to find a connection between deaths at the first and second
crime scene to generate a lead on him."
That's all the information they have.
How is any of that actionable? Why would you call cops in to listen
to that? You just said one thing they already knew and then said you
were still looking for clues. This is bad even by Criminal Minds
Profiling standards.
Also, let's not forget that the 'he has
a specific target' thing is a complete guess at this point. They have
zero evidence of that. All they know is that he put a lot of planning
and practice into the shooting, but so did the Las Vegas shooter, and
no one thinks he was trying to kill a specific person. Their entire
reasoning behind 'he had a specific target' is that he also fired six
random shots to pretend he was bad at sniping. Which, as we've
already discussed, is ridiculous.
We get more with Luke and his charge!
He gives her a lesson in situational awareness, and it seems she's
not great at it!
Then it's over to the team, struggling
to figure out the connection because they 'know' the killer had a
target. Again, they don't know that, it's still just a guess. I'm
sure it's correct, but it's just a guess.
Reid tries to reprofile the scene,
claiming that the third person could have been the target, since she
was hit within two seconds of the first sound, and wouldn't have had
a chance to start running, meaning the killer could have targeted
her! Even if that was true, I don't agree with his timing, and
believe only the second person is a viable target. Here's the thing,
though - the version of events he's basing his profile on isn't what
This is the woman Reid thinks must have
been the target, since the killer would have lost track of people
after everyone started running;
Now let's watch the video of the
shooting, shall we?
But let's see where they go with this, anyhow.
The woman's boss reveals that she works
in the high-risk field of hiding women from their abusive spouses!
Considering the amount of spousal abuse in the special forces
community, that's not a bad lead. They also hear about a harrowing
event where a murderer broke into their computers to locate his
girlfriend, then killed her and the person she was hiding with. So
yeah, it's a dangerous field.
JJ reacts strangely to the story, and
Reid asks he what's wrong, but she doesn't respond! Then they send
the victim's phone over to Garcia, hoping that she can find all of
the social worker's files that were deleted for purposes of client
As always, the sound editor dubs in
loud 'clackity' typing noises, even though Penelope uses a silent,
rollable rubber keyboard:
This is years of making this mistake,
It seems that the social worker had
been stressed on the day of her death, but told her husband it was
about work and work that it was about a family thing! Also, Garcia
can only recover the last text she sent - the name of the woman
killed in the second shooting: Rebecca!
They make the logical leap - that
Rebecca was one of the people that abused spouses stay with, and that
the social worker gave up her identity before being murdered, then
Rebecca also played along and got shot for her trouble! They also
suggest that the killer made sure to hit Rebecca's phone to destroy
the evidence connecting the two of them. Which is just a crazy thing
to do, because any texts he sent or calls he made would have records
on a server - and putting a single bullet through a phone is no
guarantee of destroying the phone's memory card, since it's
comparatively tine when you consider the size of a phone. Also, when
sniping someone at a gas station from across the street you'd have to
reason to believe that you'd get a chance to shoot their phone after
shooting them. What are the odds that they'd fall in such a way that
it was held up at the perfect angle to be visible and be able to be
Unbelievably long.
Anyhow, we get a closeup of the
sniper's eye, and it's a black guy! I'd suggest that Luke could
somehow be the sniper, trying to play a trick on his charge for some
sick reason, but he's been with her the whole time, so that's not
Speaking of, Luke finally thinks that
his charge is ready to work as a lookout. She takes over at the
window, and they discuss families, but nothing much comes of it. Then
the charge thinks she sees someone outside, and Luke announces that
'they've found us'. Not sure who the 'they' are, since they were
talking about her 'unrelenting' husband a minute ago, and besides,
she couldn't be talking about the sniper as the person she saw,
because we know he's sitting on a stool inside a dark room, preparing
to snipe through a window.
Garcia checks into the last woman
Rebecca was working with, and it turns out her husband is the Vice
President of fake Blackwater, and is even named Eric, lest we miss
the connection. So did she leave him, or does she actually have some
incriminating information on him? Her husband is a white guy, by the
way, so I guess the sniper is just one of his mercenaries.
Talking to Rebecca's neighbor reveals
that a courier van would regularly pull into her garage and stay for
half an hour - which must be how battered women are moved in and out!
Perhaps the team can get a lead to Luke and his charge!
Speaking of them, it now sees we're being asked to believe they are scared of the sniper having found them, which means the woman spotted a guy behind a window, looking through a single slightly turned slat in a set of vertical blinds, at night.
Um... no. Unless she's lying, just...
Derek and JJ go to Eric's office, and
when he sees them waiting for him, he flees! Which seems like a weird
move, I mean, do they have any evidence against him at this point? If
he's this squirrelly, why go into the office at all?
He flees, firing shots at them as he
goes, before getting run over by a bus because he wasn't paying
attention to his surroundings. Um... what? Why is this guy doing any
of this? Does he not have lawyers? Anyhow, he dies before he can
reveal the sniper's identity.
Back at the field station, they explain
that Eric had an alibi for the last day, so he had no reason to run.
Which... of course he did. He specifically arranged to get himself an
alibi, so that when the cops turned up, they'd have nothing on him.
So why did he run and shoot when that actually happened? The show
tries to get away with it by having the characters point out that he
had no reason to run, but acknowledging your bad writing isn't the
same as not writing badly.
Eventually the team figures out that he
must have hired a sniper, which, you know, duh. Garcia goes looking
for any mercenary he's been talking to a lot, while Joe, Reid, and
Jeanne go to talk to the delivery driver who's been working the
'saving ladies' side job. He gives them the address he took her to
yesterday - the parking garage where her car was waiting for her, I
Okay, now things get a little crazy.
The team finds out the address that Maya (that's the charge's name!)
is supposedly at, and they want to rush over there to catch the
sniper. But when we met Maya, she wasn't in an apartment building.
She was in a parking lot, getting to a car, one that Luke insisted
they leave before going to a safe house he knew about. So the driver
of the delivery van wouldn't know where she is. They're rushing off
to the wrong place?
Then Luke gets a call, and finds out
that Maya's ride is there, and she just has to meet it out front.
What? She's understandably skeptical - isn't there a sniper outside?
Luke has a plan, though - he'll distract the sniper! How? By opening
the window? You think that's going to keep the sniper from noticing a
car out front of the building and his target walking up to it?
Also, don't buildings have four sides?
Couldn't she just leave by one of the (at least) two sides that the
sniper doesn't have covered? Everyone's operating on the theory that
this is a lone guy, so that seems like a pretty safe idea, right? Is
Luke setting her up to get killed? Also, how did the two of them
meet, and how is he connected to the battered women's underground
Okay, things just got stupid. Luke's
the killer, as we figured way back at the beginning. It turns out all
of that nonsense about hanging out with her was a visualization
exercise he was doing to help stay awake while waiting to murder her.
So a third of this episode just didn't happen, and was a waste of our
time. Thanks, show.
Also, the explanation makes zero sense,
because they explain that snipers do the visualization trick in order
to help them stay focused while waiting for a target for hours on
end. But the 'visualization exercises' started long before he'd even
killed the second group of people - so there would be no reason for
him to already have this fantasy. God, this show loves to cheat,
doesn't it?
We finally cut to the real Maya, who's
across the street from Luke, walking around next to a set of sliding
glass doors, playing with the vertical blinds. Because she's terrible
at not being murdered. Seriously, you knew that your evil husband
runs a mercenary army. Why be this cavalier?
They find Luke in Eric's call logs -
he's an African sniper who was brought over just for this job. They
figure the plan was to make the whole thing look like an act of
domestic terrorism that went unsolved. Because that's a thing that
happens a lot. You know, how people in America are getting mass shot
all the time by mysterious figures and then the country and
government just let it go? If there's one thing this show constantly
underestimates, it's the scale of police response to the situations
their episodes depict. Three people were killed in the Boston
Bombing. They shut down an entire city until the guys were wrapped
Do the writers seriously not remember what D.C. was like before the snipers were caught? And they killed far fewer people than Luke did. This is the kind of crime that would shut down a city until the perpetrators were caught, as well as capture the imagination of the entire country.
The team arrives on the scene and,
armed with the knowledge of where Maya's apartment is, assume that
the killer has to be in one of the units facing it. Which, great job
at finding an empty unit directly across from hers on literally zero
notice, Luke.
Luke hesitates before pulling the
trigger - because of all the fantasies, you see - giving Greg just
enough time to shoot him from inside the apartment! Which he does
without Maya even having known he was there. Which is kind of
incredible, really. How did he even get into the apartment without
making a sound? It's not like he had time to go and get a passkey
from the building manager, right?
Anyhow, the sniper's dead, so happy
Now, let's get to how awful this
episode was, shall we?
1 - Was profiling in any way helpful in
solving the crime?
Dear lord, no. They checked if two
groups of people who were killed had any connections, and quickly
found one. Trying to figure out a motivation or characteristics of a
sniper had absolutely nothing to do with the resolution of the case.
2 - Could the crime have been solved
just as easily using conventional police methods given the known
facts of the case?
Totally standard policework this time,
on every front.
So, on a scale of 1 (Dirty Harry) to 10
(Tony Hill), How Useful Was Profiling in Solving the Crime?
1 - I feel like it would have actually
been way easier to catch this guy than the show suggests. When that
guy shot up the naval base, they locked down the whole neighbourhood
within minutes, and scoured the place until everything was accounted
before. Realistically, unless he'd dumped the gun, there's no way
Luke gets out of that building without being identified, and even
then, it's a stretch, since the cops would talk to everyone
attempting to leave after a suspected terrorist attack, and not for
nothing, the black guy with the heavy African accent who just came to
the country is going to invite some additional scrutiny.
Can we talk about how crazy Eric's fate
was? Everything went exactly the way he planned it to, so when the
completely expected police visit happens, he freaks out and starts
trying to murder FBI agents? Why create an alibi if you don't plan on
using it?
Did we ever find out why JJ was so
freaked out by the stories of murdered girlfriends and the tragically
killed people who were trying to help them?
Here's the biggest problem, though -
how did Luke find Maya? Eric obviously tracked his wife to the
battered women organization, and then Luke threatened to murder the
social worker unless she revealed where Maya went. Then he threatened
to kill Rebecca unless she told what happened to Maya next. Then he
killed both of them.
Here's the thing, though - neither of
those women knew where Maya was. The whole point of the underground
railroad was to insulate every step. Rebecca would not be useful as a
cutout if she knew where Maya was going - unless this was the
worst-run underground railroad in history, her part of it would end
when she handed Maya over to the courier, along with an envelope that
has an address on it that she never looked at.
This is just a needlessly convoluted
plan. Eric already had deniability. Why not just get the info from
the two women, not kill them, then have mercenaries make his wife
disappear? Obviously people would suspect his involvement, but he
would have an alibi, and the mercenaries would be back in another
country immediately after sinking the wife's body in a lake
somewhere. No body, no leads on the killers, no way to prove Eric's
Seriously, did they think the cops
wouldn't have figured it out when the third mass shooting within two
days happened not at a public square or gas station, but at an
apartment building, with the killer firing into windows? And the
second the cops found Maya's body, they'd look into her background
and say 'hey, her estranged, murderous husband runs a mercenary army!
He'd probably know a sniper or two, right?'
Instead, his plan was to commit a far worse crime that attracted huge public attention and made it inevitable that he would be caught. Wow, Criminal Minds. Just wow.
Also, can we take one more moment to
recognize how unbelievably contrived it was that the sniper randomly
shot an ADA with the exact same type of rifle that was used in the
murder that the ADA was prosecuting, and the fact that that murder
was high-profile enough that it would be worth killing a DA in the
hopes of making it go away?
There's contrived, and then there's nonsense.
No Prentiss award?
Perhaps "Reid is no Jack Reacher"?????????????? is the Prentiss Award?
Sorry, but most of your complaints seem inaccurate or pretty far fetched to me. I could be wrong, I guess, but let me explain my point of view.
1) "If you wanted to pretend you weren't a good shot, why kill six people? Shoot the first person in the head, because it's believable that you would have had time to aim that one (even if it s a 'cold shot'), shoot the second person - presumably your target - in the heart, and then start firing wildly into the crowd."
The unsub, Colin Bramwell [I'm referring to him by his real name, as stated in the episode] shot that many people with precise kill shots so the authorities would have hard time determining who was an actual target, and likely conclude that the murders were random, a work of a domestic terrorist who just wanted to kill as many people as possible. In all three cases, Luke was supposed to actually kill one specific target; the safest way to do that was by the aforementioned "kill shot". Had he only murdered one or two people that way, then fired blindly into the crowd, the authorities would have correctly concluded that one of the few murder victims killed by the precise shot was, likely, an actual target. Even if they figured that the shooter probably just got lucky, like you suggested, they'd probably still look into that victim(s) first, just in case. Even in "Jack Reacher", that you mentioned, pretty much all of the victims, even the random ones, were clearly shot in the head. Take a look:
And Colin didn't miss on purpose so the investigators would think he wasn't trained at shooting; he missed on purpose several times so they wouldn't figure out he was that well-trained and experienced. Like the team concluded later on, he was an exceptional sniper.
2) "Also, the explanation makes zero sense, because they explain that snipers do the visualization trick in order to help them stay focused while waiting for a target for hours on end. But the 'visualization exercises' started long before he'd even killed the second group of people - so there would be no reason for him to already have this fantasy. God, this show loves to cheat, doesn't it?"
The team mentioned that, for many professional snipers/mercenaries, the fantasy begins the minute they're assigned a target. Colin knew that he was supposed to kill Maya all along. He looked at her photograph after committing the first mass shooting, which is when the first fantasy (in the parking garage) began. He created a set-up for the full fantasy after committing the first mass murder, then became fully immensed into the fantasy later on (after shooting several people at the gas station, once he began waiting for Maya).
3) "They find Luke in Eric's call logs - he's an African sniper who was brought over just for this job. They figure the plan was to make the whole thing look like an act of domestic terrorism that went unsolved. Because that's a thing that happens a lot. You know, how people in America are getting mass shot all the time by mysterious figures and then the country and government just let it go? If there's one thing this show constantly underestimates, it's the scale of police response to the situations their episodes depict. Three people were killed in the Boston Bombing. They shut down an entire city until the guys were wrapped up.
Do the writers seriously not remember what D.C. was like before the snipers were caught? And they killed far fewer people than Luke did. This is the kind of crime that would shut down a city until the perpetrators were caught, as well as capture the imagination of the entire country."
It is kind of ironic how you complain that the murder plot in this episode was overly complicated, but you also mention D.C. snipers, John Allen Muhammed and Lee Boyd Malvo. It's been theorized that they committed those murders in order to cover up the eventual murder of John's ex-wife, figuring that the authorities would conclude that she was just a random victim of a spree killer, and not look into John, an estranged husband, as a suspect. Other murders were a smokescreen, a diversion.
And those two guys were actually able to shoot people all over Washington D.C. for three weeks, despite all the police and media attention, murdering seventeen people and injuring ten. So no, they didn't murder far less people than Luke/Colin did, and it's not like it was impossible for Colin to commit two mass murders on public locations and get away, especially since he was a trained mercenary.
And though there are still speculations about the DC snipers' actual motives, and they could have easily had a political/extremist agenda, there have definitely been such smokescreen murder plots in real life [though, admittedly, on a smaller scale], such as Stella Nickel case, and Lewis Allen Harry Jr. case.
Plus, there have been unsolved cases of domestic terrorism in the USA, such as Park Station Bombing in 1970, La Guardia Airport Bombing in 1975, and Times Square Bombing in 2008. As well as "just" unsolved mass shootings, such as Lane Bryant shooting, Las Cruces Bowling Alley Massacre, July 4th Massacre, Father's Day Bank Massacre, Pike County Ohio Shootings, etc. It isn't as common in modern times, but it does happen.
4) "They make the logical leap - that Rebecca was one of the people that abused spouses stay with, and that the social worker gave up her identity before being murdered, then Rebecca also played along and got shot for her trouble! They also suggest that the killer made sure to hit Rebecca's phone to destroy the evidence connecting the two of them. Which is just a crazy thing to do, because any texts he sent or calls he made would have records on a server - and putting a single bullet through a phone is no guarantee of destroying the phone's memory card, since it's comparatively tine when you consider the size of a phone. Also, when sniping someone at a gas station from across the street you'd have to reason to believe that you'd get a chance to shoot their phone after shooting them. What are the odds that they'd fall in such a way that it was held up at the perfect angle to be visible and be able to be shot?
Unbelievably long."
Colin had called the second intended victim on the phone before he started shooting. He made sure she had her phone out, so he could shoot through it, and he succeeded; he is an exceptional sniper, after all. So the chances of that happening aren't that slim. Plus, he probably didn't expect the authorities to check the phone logs recorded on a server, since he made sure to make the shootings appear as random acts of violence, not targeting anyone in particular. Shooting through the phone was just an additional precaution.
5) "Also, can we take one more moment to recognize how unbelievably contrived it was that the sniper randomly shot an ADA with the exact same type of rifle that was used in the murder that the ADA was prosecuting, and the fact that that murder was high-profile enough that it would be worth killing a DA in the hopes of making it go away?"
It was mentioned that .308 nemesis rifles are very common in Texas. So the DA getting shot with that kind of rifle, when it was the same kind of rifle used in the high-profile murder that he was prosecuting, isn't that contrived. Especially when taking in the account that the "original" murder took place three months prior, that the murdered DA probably worked on plenty of other cases as well, and that Colin wanted to make the murders look like acts of a homegrown terrorism.
6) "Can we talk about how crazy Eric's fate was? Everything went exactly the way he planned it to, so when the completely expected police visit happens, he freaks out and starts trying to murder FBI agents? Why create an alibi if you don't plan on using it?"
Maya's husband, Eric, must have been in contact with Colin all along, and he was probably following the news while away (you mentioned that the shootings would have attracted national attention). By the time he returned, he must have known that Colin hadn't murdered Maya yet, and that the BAU was working on the case. So, when BAU agents showed up at his company, and Maya was not murdered yet, Eric reasonably suspected they were on to him and his plan (why else would they be there, when Maya wasn't dead and Eric had no actual connection to other victims?), so he panicked and tried to flee. It happens. Remember the stupid mistake that led to BTK getting caught?
7) "The team arrives on the scene and, armed with the knowledge of where Maya's apartment is, assume that the killer has to be in one of the units facing it. Which, great job at finding an empty unit directly across from hers on literally zero notice, Luke."
That building could have been under renovation, like the one used for the first shooting, or it could have consisted of apartments/units that were mostly used for [short-term] rental. Most of the apartments in the building where Maya was staying seemed to fit the bill, since the organization that was helping her was able to acquire her a stay there relatively quickly. It isn't too much of a stretch that a building located near by could have been used for the same purpose. So Colin probably wouldn't have had much problem finding a suitable unit that was unoccupied.
All the plot holes in the scenes featuring "Luke" and Maya in hiding together can easily be explained by that being a fantasy and not actually happening.
And I don't get your complaints about the term "domestic terrorism". You mention that the only important distinction is a motive, but then dismiss it like it's not reason enough for that term. Motives are pretty important when it comes to investigating terrorism, and obviously, domestic/homegrown terrorists have much different motives and agendas than foreign ones. And the investigation process has to be different too, not only due to different motives, but because domestic terrorists actually live in the country/city that they target, and are affiliated with different groups/movements than terrorists from other countries. That is not the term used only for American terrorists either; it is applied to any terrorist who commits a terrorist act in his/her homeland, anywhere in the world.
And, lastly, "Criminal Minds" has an average runtime of 40 to 45 minutes per episode-not everything can be explained in full detail, and even if it could, lots of that probably wouldn't be that interesting anyway, and/or would mess with the flow of an episode. There is a difference between a good (or bad) episode of a crime/mystery procedural and a documentary.
The show isn't perfect and some episodes can be pretty bad (especially in later seasons), I have to admit, but you really seemed to be reaching (no pun intended) with this review.
I'd also like to apologize for the links not working, it is my first time posting on here, but if you copy-paste them into your browser and search the results, the articles/videos in question will show up.
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