
Archie Presents: Valuable Economic Lessons

In these trying economic times, it's hard to know exactly where to look for solutions. I, for one, have decided to turn to Archie, in this story from 1975.

That's the setup, and here's the pitch:

From there the story spirals off into a standard gag about Archie wanting a raise in his allowance, and his father shooting him down. Whatever his motives were, however, it's impossible to ignore the wisdom in Archie's economic theories.

In a country where ten percent of the workforce sits idle and the rich hoard their money like so many covetous dragons, who can deny the necessity of supporting increased production through consumer spending? Archie's bold prescription of protectionist trade policies and favoring domestic manufacturing seems untenable in today's corporatist climate, but perhaps it's time to follow his radical lead, and put American prosperity first!

What does it say about America's current, profoundly out of touch mass media that if you want to find direct, powerful statements supporting workers you have to search out children's comics from thirty-six years ago?


Bedazzled Crone said...

Right on Count

art.the.nerd said...

... and what does it say about Castle Vardulon that you are trying to learn economics from Archie comics? Do you also learn about radiation from Spider-Man, genetics from the X-Men, and exobiology from Superman?

Anonymous said...

Inflation is caused when too much money exists in the economy. The excess of money means that each dollar is worth less...thereby prices need to increase to combat the loss of purchasing power.

Under Carter, interest rates rose into the high teens to PREVENT the free flow of money. Basically, the opposite of what Archie is preaching.

By refusing to spend, buyers will force sellers to reduce prices in order to stimulate trade. Then prices will meet the value of the dollar in the middle and whammo...stabilization.

Or Archie's solution, written by an author who only earned his salary because some rich guy paid him, clearly bests that of every economist who ever lived.