Tales From the Darkside 118: If the Shoes Fit

Saturday Night Live Rapewatch: Anne Hathaway Ediiton
Criminal Minds: Suspect Behaviour 102: Lonely Heart
The episode itself begins with a woman recounting her experience luring a man to a hotel room, having sex with him, and then murdering him. She's talking to a man about this, and it's clear that she was operating entirely under his instructions. So this means she's under the thrall of a serial killer who can't do the murdering himself, so he's using her as a tool. I'm going to lock in a guess now, and say the killer is dead, and exists only in her head. Although that was the basic plot of 'The Angel Maker', so they might not want to go back to that well so quickly.
We also learn that the woman is wearing a blonde wig:

We also learn that the code to get into the office is 3699#. There's an insert of Forest punching in the code that's impossible to miss, which raises the question of that number's importance. Could something traumatic have happened to Forest on March 6th, 1999? Or June 3rd, if the character turns out to be Canadian? If so, that's a terrible number to pick for your secret code, since the serial killer who's taunting you about the fact that he killed your family 12 years ago will undoubtedly know the day on which he did it.
The team lays out the new case - 3 victims, all killed in hotel rooms over the past two weeks. Because every killer in the world of Criminal Minds is a spree killer. The show then cuts to the white-wigged killer alone in her apartment, hearing the svengali's voice in her head, thereby offering more evidence to my 'dead serial killer' theory. Will I be right? Let's find out together, after the opening credits!
Criminal Minds 412: Soul Mates
Porn Shoot Massacre Is As Badly-Written As You'd Think
If it's Wednesday, it must be TheAvod!
Tales From the Darkside 117: Madness Room

Suspect Behavior 101: I don't know what this episode is called, because I don't have a DVD, and the episodes aren't titled.
Adventures in Fake Journalism: Chain Letter
Criminal Minds 411: Normal

Chain Letter Doesn't Make Even a Little Sense

Wednesday is TheAvod Day!
The Thirty-Eight-Greatest Panel in the History of Comics!
Tales From the Darkside 116: Tear Collector

Saturday Night Live RapeWatch: Russel Brand Edition!
How to Ruin Your Own Movie: Chain Letter Edition

Criminal Minds 410: Brothers in Arms

My Soul to Take Is a Filthy Liar
TheAvod Wednesdays!
The Thirty-Seventh-Greatest Panel in the History of Comics!
Tales From the Darkside 115: Answer Me

Saturday Night Live RapeWatch: Dana Carvey Edition
Dana Carvey's return to Saturday Night Live was as entertaining as it was mystifying. It's not that I wasn't excited to see a classic cast member back on the show - it's just that I'm still not sure what he was promoting... and if he wasn't promoting anything, what was he doing there? Don't they know what SNL is for?
Anyhoo, we're not here to critique the content of SNL (if you're looking for that, try the rest of the internet), rather I'm planning to examine the lightheartedness with which the show treats the most abhorrent of topics. So, without any further ado... The numbers!
This week was almost unusually clean - it's possible that the presence of Carvey convinced Seth and the boys to tone things down a little, as there were no homophobia jokes to speak of. There was even an extended sketch about a children's beauty pageant that didn't feature even an allusion to paedophilia. The only rape-themed humour of the night came in Carvey's Church Lady sketch, which featured the middle-aged bible-thumper fantasizing about molesting relentlessly self-promoting teen singer Justin Beiber.
Actually, the purported attractiveness of Beiber is one of the most mystifying bits of modern cultural ephemera as far as I'm concerned. I'd never attempt to hazard a guess as to what teenagers find attractive, but I feel like I understand adult women enough to find it implausible that they would get weak in the knees at the sight of a teenage boy who looks like a pre-teen girl.
The final tally this week was-
Homophobia: 0
Rape: 1
All in all a respectable show - but Russel Brand is hosting next week, which is Spanish for 'All Bets Are Off'.
I'm Unsure as to Why John Carpenter Hasn't Sued the Makers of Methodic
Criminal Minds 409: 52 Pickup

The Cape is Unconcerned with Even Basic Narrative Coherence