That finally happened this week, the first week that I, while still massively less popular than resin model-making material ‘pardulon’, am nonetheless recognized as a distinct entity from it!
As a manner of celebration, I elected to browse through a few of my listings on the old google, and see just how many of them were random collection engines that had linked to my articles automatically based on keyword searches. The answer? Like 90 percent. Among them was a singularly interesting site that I felt I just had to share with everyone, since its oddness was weirdly compelling.
That sight?! It drew my attention because, unlike most random search link engines, it didn’t just offer a link to some page on my site – no, acts as a weird framing device for other people’s content. My entire review of the film ‘Death Race 2008’ was on the page, including my sidebar information, including my lists of followers, other articles, and I don’t know why I’m writing all of this here, you can see it on the side of the page if you’re interested.
The only evidence I had that this page was on BFX as opposed to my own website was a banner at the top of the page, and an ad right below it. I decided to head over to the frontpage and have a look around.
The look around stopped abruptly when the frontpage looked like this-

Also, what does ‘unnoticeable now’ mean? Could I already be playing this thing without knowing it?
But all of that was just the prelude – no, what entertains me most about this website is the proud announcement of just how many sites’ worth of content are being displayed with the BFX frontpage and ad:

Ain’t fame grand?
1 comment:
I don't know...I think the H2/Evony combo is appropriate. Both will fail to deliver on the promise of excitement, intrigue, and great sex.
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