Vic Tayback, (who I remember from a childhood love of the show ‘Alice’), stars as a real estate salesman who’s extremely sensitive about the fact that he used to be an alcoholic, but has recently kicked the habit. One day, after setting up a particularly important sale, Vic’s young son turns up at the office. Of course, Vic’s sure he just has the one (13 year old) son, so this precocious little lad of six is a complete stranger to him. He does the only logical thing and drops the kid off at the police station, only to return home and find his wife furious at him – according to her, the little one is, in fact, their second child.

The great drama comes from the fact that his wife’s position is completely understandable as well – she’s put up with his drinking in the past, and now he’s crossed the line by forgetting his own son! Things get even worse for Vic when he shows up the next day at work haggard and sleep-deprived, only to discover that it’s not the next day at all. He’s had something of a lost mid-week, apparently off drinking and sleeping in a cheap motel.
Vic rushes home, only to discover that his wife has already left him, taking the children with her to her sister’s place in another town. Shattered by his failure, Vic finally gives in, finds a bottle in the abandoned house, and starts drinking again.

Then, naturally, the episode ruins it entirely by adding on a little coda set a few weeks later at the same real-estate office. The man who replaced Vic is sitting at his desk, working away and living the good life, when the exact same little boy shows up, claiming to be his son.

I hope this whole ‘twist at the end ruins the episode’ thing doesn’t become a theme. I mean, sure, the first two episodes did it, but what are the odds of that continuing? Pretty good, I suppose. Well, fingers crossed, right?
I think his boss has something to do with this, not only the kid. It all began when the boss is offering drinks and the victims decline, then activating the "lost son" curse.
What the ending shows is that it clearly is not just a case of an alcoholic and his distorted take on reality due to his non-stop drinking.
Even without the ending, you have a TON of unanswered questions, such as: Why would he remember one son and not the other? Why didn't the wife sit him down with a photo album and go through all of Jerry's pictures trying to jog all of his memories with his son? Why would the co-worker even offer a recovering alcoholic a drink?
It's just the final step of The Darkside's version of an alcoholic-recovery program to see if he has REALLY mended his ways, where each alcoholic gets transformed into an alternate reality and takes the same job in the same cubicle with the same co-worker and deals with the same kid, and his family is all part of it as well.
Put yourself in his shoes... You've successfully resisted booze for a whole year. Then some kid shows up out of the blue claiming to be your son, and everybody believes him.
For the life of you, you can not remember this kid at all, and your entire family blames it on your drinking. They ditch you, and you lose your job. You have absolutely no idea what has just hit you. You've been doing so well all of this time, and this is your reward?
You'd have been better off had you stuck with the booze and never sobered up! Oh, what do we have here? A bottle of booze for li'l ol' me to drown my sorrows?
Now if you can STILL resist temptation after going through all of that, then, my friend, you have passed the test.
Contestant #1 came close but failed.
I wonder how contestant #2 did...
*waits for the sequel*
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